One who thinks about Buddhist architecture, the Buddhist Monastery or the ‘Pagoda’ is usually one of the first things that appear in the mind. One of the most important and also most intruiging Buddhist building is located in the country called Bhutan and is called Taktshang. It’s a monastery that’s located on one of the most fascinating spots in the world. It’s located at the edge of a steep mountain cliff and is situated at the height of over 2300 feet. The Monastery was built in the year 1692 and is also considered as one of the most holy and religious places that are located in Bhutan.
The very word Taktshang has its meaning known as “Tigers Nest” certainly does have a curious legend behind it that does explain the real reason why and how did these series of thirteen hanging caves were given such an interesting name.
Taktshang with prayer flags
Monk watching the world from the heights of Taktsang
The Monastery Taktshang, you can easily find its roots dated back to nearly 8th century, is also linked with the existence of real historical figure of Padmasambhava (better known as Guru Rinpoche). Guru Rinpoche is called the second living reïncarnated Buddha as he was also responsible for the spread of the Buddhism religion across Bhutan and Tibet. He was also believed to be having some of the miraculous powers, as was believed by a number of common devotees who followed him.
Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)
Guru Rinpoche had also traveled to a number of places along with the long-lasting company of a number of tantrics and consorts of dakini, who were also believed to be vanquishing demons.
One of the former wife of a renowned emperor called Yeshe Tsogyal had also managed to join the company of Guru Rinpoche, willingly came to be known as the flying tigress so that she could in fact bear the guru to the top of the mountain cliff of Bhutan to the present place where the famous Monastery of Taktshang still stands. Amongst the various caves, one of the caves had also become a famous meditation place for the Guru Rinpoche where he had managed to come out with his eight manifestations, and later in the years this places was also declared as a holy place for most of the monastery and so it had derived it name the “Tigers Nest”.
Route to Taktsang (
Today you can visit all the temples of the Taktshang Monastery standing at an altitude of 10,200 feet. However, prior to the ascending the slope on mule-back or foot, as a non-Bhutanese you require a special permit and a guide for the venture. Once you begin the trek, you can experience the close touch of nature in the woodland leading to the ascending slope with interspersing sound of a bell. However, if you are not used to walking for rough stretches on mountainous paths, you will do best to take a horse or a mule.
Prayer wheel with Taktsang in the background (
The original construction of the Tigers Nest Monastery has an equally interesting tale behind it. It is said that notwithstanding the sheer cliff face where Guru Rinpoche decided to land, the air-borne dakinis bore building material on their backs to facilitatethe construction process. It remained a place of worship for the people and stood sturdily through the fire damages of April 19, 1998.
The Bhutan government took extensive steps to restore it in its original glory by referring back to ancient pictures and other testimonials. It took years of toil and perseverance until the renovation was completed in 2005.
“Tigers Nest” Taktshang (
What is remarkable about Taktshang is the variation of the four temples that appear different from one another. One of these is fabled to be the famous spot for the three-month meditation of Guru Rinpoche and the birthplace of one of the leading lamas. You must rest sufficiently and save some energy for the journey back. If you had coveredthe monastery -wards journey on foot, the second half of it can get particularly fatiguing.