Military chaplains in Ukraine in a combat zone.The story of the priest Constantine Kholodov.

What words pick up priests for soldiers at the front, why the soldiers are waiting for chaplains and what are the main obstacles in the work of the priests at best? These and other aspects of life chaplains Ukrainian army Censor.NO talked to the priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyivan Patriarchate) Constantine  Kholodov.

Father Constantine went all the Maidan as an ordinary member of the defense, put on his cassock only at the end of February, so that people in need could easily identify him as a priest. Believes that during the winter of confrontation, and during the present war, the Church should support the soldiers at the front, because they do a lot of good - to protect their loved ones. Сonstantin convinced that the role of individual priests are very important.

For several months he is chaplain of one of the Ukrainian military units. Says on the front of the priests sorely lacking, not because of the lack of personnel, but because of the immaturity of the Institute of chaplains as such. Father Constantine admits that his own service as a chaplain, he began to travel in the area ATO as a volunteer.
- I am not myself, we have a small volunteer group, spontaneously formed in the spring. Then my cum and our Church Sexton Fedor went to serve in the battalion "Aidar", but the outfit did not have. I turned to my friends on Facebook to help him to collect. Together with Fyodor we then secured three more fighters. And idary General volunteers well helped, so now we support one of the most effective units, which is subordinate to the Ministry of defence of Ukraine. Its name can not say, because it is associated with intelligence. I stepped on them by accident - just learned that they need help.


- Father, may I suggest that now more than just provide fighters with things that will help to stand the winter.

"Thank God, stove there, flak jackets and helmets are provided for all. So close household needs - supplied food, clothing, shoes and gear. What they receive from the state, I don't know, they just give me a list of needed items. Try to find quality items at low prices. In General, my parish in the village of Gurushina in the Kiev region already gathered, not taking into account money, about 5 tons of food, lots of warm clothes. There are moments that are touching to tears. Once, when collected by the village of the products for the front, came grandmother. She can hardly walk, but gave the money. In senile palms I saw 50 UAH. Every sacrifice everything. That is why we will win!
At the moment, collect money to buy boys coats. For example, today at the factory, I bought 27 of jackets, literally snatched the last. They breathable membrane, fleece lining... the thing is versatile and durable, useful in all seasons. The price of one such jacket with discount 570 UAH, a total of 15 390 UAH. Another ordered the warm boots.

Things fighters You mainly dosite themselves. Was unpleasant?

- With local residents spoke only once: how we got lost, asked them, how can we continue to Ukrainian roadblock. They pointed in the opposite direction, and we almost went to the enemy checkpoint. Saved us that time I have included the Navigator.
I am not monitoring among the local population. Have friends from Donetsk, Gorlovka. Bad people with Donbass I don't know if these are found, immediately they are forgotten. Im 23 years talked about how bad it is to live in Ukraine and as well in Russia. Of course, this has not gone unnoticed. Smart people understand what was happening, and someone did not understand.

- That the Church is now helping the army, brings it to politics?

- To be involved in politics is when from the pulpit of the Church to campaign for any political party. And to help the army is to help your neighbor. Do we have to deny the soldier's assistance only because of the fact that he is fighting? On the contrary, we need to help him in the first place. If a soldier doesn't feel the support, then lay down their arms and go home. Nothing political in this I do not see. The Church where there are people. In this case, the soldiers of our congregation.

The Church came out from behind the monastery walls and klebang, his back already can't drive and don't solus from people. Once, when I was sent to the front 20 tons, our Bishop in my eyes personally helped load the truck. When the metropolitans loading provisions for the front, I realize as never before that the fate of Ukraine is in the hands of free people.
Close to the people the Church was during the events on Maidan. I stood there on the first day, divided the people that were on the square - we come up against tyranny. For power we are responsible because we choose. If it works iniquity, we must expose it. To ignore the crimes of the authorities is a sin.

As a priest, I was obliged to go to the protest first. This time the square was terrible, but not the same as in 2004 when we danced and went. People who have wooden shields went to certain death, needed support. With a group of friends went to guard the barricades almost every night. The cassock donned only in the last days when the Lord ordered that we should wear the priestly garments. In St. Michael's Cathedral and there were many wounded and killed, so it was necessary that people immediately saw who is a priest and who to contact.


- Disturbing the battle of the bells of St. Michael's monastery became a symbol of the Maidan, the priests at the barricades, really, in the end, nobody will be surprised. But the present war is not street protests. Or the warriors want to see the priests at his best?

- The need for priests on the front is very high. Soldiers do not have enough spiritual support. No officer work with the personnel is not able to give them something that can give the priest - faith in the future, eternity and God's help. In addition, the priest confesses and gives communion to the soldiers before the battle. People will go into battle, backed by Christ through the sacraments, personal prayer and prayer of the priest. The war priest man is telling the truth and all because he feels that now it can kill. Themselves warriors admit that after the sacrament, it becomes easier.

Actually, my chaplaincy began with volunteering. Our Archbishop, Metropolitan of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi and Belotserkovsky Epiphanius once sent an expedition of the clergy in the area ATO. We brought the military part of the food. When I came to him a second time, held a prayer, after which I received an offer from the commander, which relied on please guys, stay with them and become a chaplain. Now I think about it. I visit those warriors, some time living with them, but always returned home to his flock. On the front we are waiting with great anticipation, even call and ask when you get back.

- What words You say in sermons to the soldiers?

- I say to the soldiers that have to constantly hear their war is not a sin. Many doubted whether they do fighting there. They asked how one looks upon it, the Church is not a sin to fight and kill. I tell them: "If you come to a foreign land, it would be a sin. But you are defending their native land, other way we don't have. At one time the blessed Augustine asked a rule, when a Christian is allowed to fight. He wrote that if to protect the civilian population cannot be achieved in the world other than war, then it is not a sin. In the end, it is the commandment of Christ. In the gospel of John says: "there is No greater love that, if one blesses for his friends". Ukrainian military now do exactly that - give their lives for their children, mothers, women, and generally peaceful people in Ukraine could live in peace.

- Have You ever read the burial service over the dead soldiers?

"A little, but had. The guys in the unit who we help, very professional and careful. The funeral of a warrior is not different from a memorial service for her husband, who died in peace time. When burying the dead, called it: "servant of God", and who died in the war - "the warrior". That's the whole difference.

To hear about the death is the worst moments. Last Friday I buried the godfather Fedor that he served in "Agar". There was a case when he helped the fighter, and as he came the next time, learned that he was killed...

- How widespread is the chaplaincy in this war?

Priests at the forefront, but they are very few. I have already received the blessing of our Bishop Bishop Epiphanius to create chaplain of the guard in the unit in which we assist, or in any other. That is going to recruit priests, who are ready to be chaplains, but not on a permanent basis. Unfortunately, we don't have a cadre of priests who can leave their parishes and to go to war. However, there are those that can be war for a month or two, then they will be replaced by others. Thus, we can establish the work of chaplains.


You function at its discretion, the work of the chaplain somehow resolved?

"Before, there were regimental temples and regimental priests. On the ships of the Royal Navy were the monks, they went to sea together with the personnel. They never fought, carried a spiritual mission in the military.

Today in Ukraine the Institute of chaplains neither legally nor not canonically defined. What functions should be performed by a priest in the army, where and how it should be, who should obey? Have the decree, what should be the position of chaplain, but the details are unclear. I think that as a result of this war will be formed chaplain service. Now we do start with time all organized.
The gathering of soldiers in the service of is just. The commander gives the order: "Going on a prayer". If the commander gave the order, the military may not refuse service. As to confession and communion each is individually. Apparently, I should not be talking about more than just tell the fighters in the confessional. Words for preaching ourselves.

- Now we need to learn from the experience of chaplains in those States where it is common, in particular in Poland?

- Kapelanski patterns are required in the armies of NATO countries. There all items are approved by law. I can now say that the problem for the development of chaplaincy in Ukraine is the existence of many faiths. Theoretically, if you'll marry me in some part to the position of chaplain fighters-Uniates will say that they need a Greek-Catholic priest. As Orthodox Christians can refuse Greco-Catholic. I haven't been such cases, but have heard about in other departments. I don't know how interfaith issue in the army decided the Americans and other NATO countries. Their experience should be studied. I think that when thundering shells and you're one step away from death, sectarian conflicts should be pushed to the background.

But in the rear of the interfaith hostility increases. To recall the transition of several dozen parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Kiev...

- Is the Church's evolution, which has long been ripe and not long started. I have a question for the experts in the canons of the Church, making the Russian Church in Ukraine, especially now, when Russia is an aggressor against Ukraine? According to the canons, she has no right to be here, because Ukraine is an independent state. Until these questions come and members of the Moscow Patriarchate. They don't want in their churches prayed abstract "homeland", not calling him, and the Patriarch of Moscow, which is the sender of Putin. When historians will have to investigate the participation of the Moscow Church in instigating this war. They were campaigning against European integration, but rather promoted Putin's power. It is in the parishes of MP were all these "Cossacks" and "Russian Orthodox army", who today are fighting against us. Ukrainian army Moscow Patriarchate does not help. Even mentioning the Ukrainian troops in prayer they believe feat.

At the same time in the occupied territories all the parishes of the Kyivan Patriarchate and other denominations are closed, temples captured, and the priests left. One priest nearly killed. That is not just took the temples, and threaten the clergy.

Therefore, members who understand the issue, talk to his priest: "Or go to the Kyivan Patriarchate, or we need another priest." One of the ways to protect the attack. Therefore, the Moscow Patriarchate and is reflected from the us attacks. Those believers Moscow Church, say that someone captures. And it's not true. The transition of the parishes of the Kyivan Patriarchate takes place voluntarily. Thus, in Ukraine begins to set up the local Church.


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